Awhile ago, leon's brother brought back a kitty cos she was stranded somewhere
and he waited for a long time and the kitty's mummy didn't come back
so he brought her home.
Hmmm, i've never really been the kitty kinda girl, but she's super cute!!
Ok after like one month or so then they found out that she's actually a BOY! -.-"
but i already have it drilled in my head that Ninja's a girly kitty
so i kept saying she she her her, so don't mind me! lol.

Super cute kitty, i love her so much nooooow. So so so much fun to play with hahahah.
i have this video of leon holding her as if she's a machine gun,
it's so so funny but i think if i post it here i will kena slam say kitty abuse
so i better not post it up. lol
but the kitty is absolutely fine of cos, in fact i think she kinda enjoys it lol.
better than bored and having nobody to play with.

TUMMYRUB!!!! Mmmmmm.

Kitty Scarf hahahaha
But the whole family is quite pek chek with her cos she keeps destroying the furniture and they're very scared she would jump down the window and commit suicide accidentally somemore they live on the 17th floor lol, jump down confirm gone case.
Anyway that day my peanut (guinea pig in case you dunno) was having quite a bad case of diarrhea, and i read online and they said that diarrhea is guinea pigs is very dangerous because they are usually preys so they tend to not show any weakness if they can, if they do then it might be fatal and it's really bad so i was super kan chiong take urgent leave bring him to the vet the very next morning.
I went to The Animal Doctor's, more information here:
and i feel that i really have to recommend them to pet owners who live in the North area.
The previous vet clinic i went to mount pleasant @ serangoon north, sucks like shit.
The vet there is absolutely AWESOME.
The vet at The Animal Doctor's was SUPER patient, very professional, really know her stuff, i really feel at ease after i left the vet unlike my experience at Mount Pleasant Vet.
Can you imagine she spend 2 whole solid hours on the consultation etc.
She really really know her stuff!

Miao? Ninja has this really cute Miao,
the tone of her miao is kinda like.. "MIAO????? HUH?????"
Mad cute, should record it down someday hehehe.
Anyway ninja also went for her jaaaaaaab. It's so funny she keep getting freaked out by other cats in the vet. They were really damn noisy la! Goodness.
Ninja hardly hardly hardly make her miao miao noise,
but those cats.. gosh. SO MUCH TO SAY!
Miao-ing through the roof man.

Miao.. Sleepy kitty after jab!

Peanuts's meds, so cute the vet prescribe this antibiotics
that is strawberry flavored and peanut loves it! hahaha
Fed him the antibiotics for 8 days and everytime he smells it it's like he can't wait for me to shove that mini plunger into his tiny mouth!
Loves, TheLuckiestChick.
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